This interesting story was written by Oscar Wilde in 1890. He wrote many stories but this is his only novel. ‘The picture of Dorian Gray’ is the most famous book written by Oscar Wilde, together with ‘The importance of being Earnestt; ‘An ideal husband’; ‘Lady Winderemere’s fan’.
This story is about a young man who was painted in a portrait by a good friend. At the same time, he met a person who would change his life. Since the moment he saw his portrait he fell in love with his beauty and youth.
Dorian was an innocent and influenciable person. He was a good man, but he didn’t make good decisions. On the other hand, the antagonist, Lord Henry was an intelligent man, but he didn’t use his intelligence to do good actions, he was a bad influence to Dorian.
Basil, the artist, was a good person, but his feelings towards Dorian hurt him.
In my opinion it’s a fantastic story because a picture can say more about a person than the same person.
By Erika Schneeberger and Johanna Llena Navas.
3rd. year Polimodal
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